🏡For Buyers

This page is meant to be a guide for the 2 type of buyers that we target. Crypto enthusiasts and more traditional customers. We're enabling our product with features that will satisfy both groups.

We are going to show you the process to buy a fractional piece of any property in our marketplace. The tutorial will split in the payment method because we have two options for crypto and non-crypto users:



The first thing to do will be to check the "getting started" page and set everything up. If you do not have a wallet address, check the following video that shows you how to install metamask in your browser or in your phone.

Remember not to share your private keys!!

✍️pageGetting started

Once you have done the two steps on top, you are all set to start operating on our platform. Visit the marketplace window and select the property that you are interested in.

If you are not verified and forgot to do it, this message will appear. But if you have done all the previous steps correctly, then you won't see this pop-up.

Once you click on the property, you will have to confirm two documents, the PPM(Private Placement Memorial Agreement) and the Operating Agreement. Enter your name, click Submit and then Download & Continue.

You made it to the property overview. In the image below you will see the name of the property (701 S Bermuda Blvd), the address, and all its details. This property is divided into 13800 NFTs, similarly, each property will be fractionalized.

Now that you made it here, we assume that you would like to check different details of the property and their returns. With 3Blocks it is very easy to do that because we offer a wide variety of data for you to make the best decision in your investment. Real estate specific pro forma data is available on this page. More details are available in the Private placement memorandum, Operating agreements, and subscription documents, hence, it is important to review all these documents carefully.

Once you are prepared to invest in this real estate, you have to select the number of tokens and review the total cost in dollars that will be automatically displayed.

After you click the Buy Tokens button, you will have to accept the Subscription Agreement. The same procedure as before, enter your name, submit, and accept & continue

You are almost finished if you arrived here. Once you accepted the subscription agreement, you will get to the payment screen. Depending if you are a crypto guy/girl or not, you can choose Stripe or Coinify. In 3Blocks we encourage mass adoption, so the preferred method is Coinify, but if you are struggling with that, no problem we will show you how to pay with Stripe also. Both tutorials are available on the following attached pages.

Check both guides and choose the one that you think fits better to your needs. We really encourage you to use the Web3 tutorial to purchase the real estate.

🏦pageBuy with Card/FIAT currency🪙pageBuy with crypto

Hope this helps you to understand better how to operate and profit from our platform.

If you are facing any problems during all your journey on our webpage, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are happy to answer all of your questions.

In any case, you can use our email dedicated to that: admin@3blocks.io

Last updated